Bodily Harm ( Margaret ATWOOD ) - Format poche Edition de 1989 en anglais 9780553274554

Bantam Books
ÉTAT (LIVRE OCCASION) - Très bon état
 clever and addictive thriller from the bestselling author of The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments. By turns comic, satiric, relentless, and terrifying, Margaret Atwood's new novel is ultimately an exploration of the lust for power both sexual and political, and the need for compassion that goes beyond what we ordinarily mean by love.
[Un thriller intelligent et addictif de l'auteur à succès de La Servante écarlate et Les Testaments. Tour à tour comique, satirique, implacable et terrifiant, le nouveau roman de Margaret Atwood est finalement une exploration de la soif de pouvoir à la fois sexuel et politique, et du besoin de compassion qui va au-delà de ce que nous entendons habituellement par amour.]

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Livraison prévue : mardi 11 février 2025



A clever and addictive thriller from the bestselling author of The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments.


A powerful and brilliantly crafted new novel from the author of Surfacing, Life Before Man, The Edible Woman, and Lady Oracle. Bodily Harm is the story of Rennie Wilford, a young journalist whose life has begun to shatter around the edges. Rennie Wilford flies to the Caribbean to recuperate, and on the tiny island of St. Antoine, she is confronted by a world where her rules for survival no longer apply. By turns comic, satiric, relentless, and terrifying, Margaret Atwood's new novel is ultimately an exploration of the lust for power both sexual and political, and the need for compassion that goes beyond what we ordinarily mean by love.


[Tour à tour comique, satirique, implacable et terrifiant, le nouveau roman de Margaret Atwood est finalement une exploration de la soif de pouvoir à la fois sexuel et politique, et du besoin de compassion qui va au-delà de ce que nous entendons habituellement par amour.]


« As swift-moving as the best thriller, clipped and laconic, yet deeply and richly sensitive. »  Sunday Telegraph

« One of the most richly entertaining novels I've read for years. »  Guardian

« A beautifully written, witty and often poignant account of a brave woman's attempt to come to terms with her situation and recover her spirits. »  Nina Bawden, Daily Telegraph

« What makes her book so considerable an achievement is the mature, informed accuracy of its view of life. What makes it so exhilarating is the profusion of tough wit and precise poetry that everywhere transforms its black bulletins from documentary into art. »  Peter Kemp, Times Literary Supplement

« The only way to describe my response to Bodily Harm is to say that it knocked me out... She tosses off perfect scenes with a casualness that leaves you utterly inprepared for the way these stories seize you. »  New York Times

« Atwood's vivid prose, tough wit and acute insight turn a scenario that would suit a beach-read thriller into a complex and compelling novel. »  Sunday Times

The author/L'auteure

Margaret Atwood is the author of more than fifty books of fiction, poetry and critical essays. Her novels include Cat's Eye, The Robber Bride, Alias Grace, The Blind Assassin and the MaddAddam trilogy. Her 1985 classic, The Handmaid's Tale, was followed in 2019 by a sequel, The Testaments, which was a global number one bestseller and shared the Booker Prize. Her most recent publications are the poetry collections Dearly and Paper Boat; Burning Questions, a selection of essays; and Old Babes in the Wood, a volume of short stories.

Atwood is a member of the Order of the Companions of Honour, and has won numerous awards including the Arthur C. Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society, the Franz Kafka Prize, the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, the PEN USA Lifetime Achievement Award and the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. She has also worked as a cartoonist, illustrator, librettist, playwright and puppeteer. She lives in Toronto, Canada. 

 [Margaret Atwood est l'auteure de plus de cinquante livres de fiction, de poésie et d'essais critiques. Parmi ses romans figurent Cat's Eye, The Robber Bride, Alias ??Grace , The Blind Assassin et la trilogie MaddAddam . Son classique de 1985, The Handmaid's Tale, a été suivi en 2019 par une suite, The Testaments , qui a été un best-seller mondial et a reçu le prix Booker. Ses publications les plus récentes sont les recueils de poésie Dearly et Paper Boat ; Burning Questions, une sélection d'essais ; et Old Babes in the Wood, un recueil de nouvelles.

Atwood est membre de l'Ordre des Compagnons d'honneur et a remporté de nombreux prix, dont le prix Arthur C. Clarke pour l'imagination au service de la société, le prix Franz Kafka, le prix de la paix du commerce allemand du livre, le prix PEN USA Lifetime Achievement Award et le prix Dayton Literary Peace Prize. Elle a également travaillé comme dessinatrice, illustratrice, librettiste, dramaturge et marionnettiste. Elle vit à Toronto, Canada..]

Les avis sur le produit Bodily Harm ( Margaret ATWOOD ) - Format poche

Fiche technique

ÉTAT (LIVRE OCCASION) Pas de pli de lecture au dos, See attached photos, Très bon état, Very Good (VG)
Date parution 1989
Dimensions Broché, Format poche
EAN 9780553274554
Editeur Bentam Books
ISBN 0553274554
Nb pages 301
Bodily Harm ( Margaret ATWOOD ) - Format poche
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Dany - 27.09.2024
Belle adresse que celle-ci : de la demande d'information à la commande jusqu'à la livraison superbement empaquetée.
Merci infiniment de la réactivité !
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